Since Poodll Filter 3.0.40 (Build 2017050701), Poodll cloud recording can notify your Moodle server when a cloud transcoding has completed. In conjunction with “refreshing players,” this means that the converted audio or video file can be made available to the user as soon as its ready. Previously it was necessary to wait for the Moodle cron job to run before the transcoded file was available.

The setting is enabled by default, and can be found in the general settings page:
i.e site admin -> plugins -> filters -> poodll filter -> general settings

Cloud notifications work in conjunction with cron and the Moodle task system. So if for any reason a notification is missed, the task to move the converted file back to Moodle will be picked up when cron next runs.

Note that your Moodle server must be accessible from the internet for Poodll cloud notifications to work. Servers on “localhost” or “” or servers only accessible from intranets will need to rely on cron.