Buncee is a great tool that allows you create attractive resources for your classes. You can also embed them on Moodle. If you use Poodll's Buncee widget to embed the Buncee activity then it will be responsive. That means that it will change size nicely to match the device/screen that the student is using.

To add a Buncee , you should first get the Buncee share URL from the Buncee activity. From thetop right click "Share" and then from the popup that appears click "copy"

Then visit your Poodll/Moodle site and select Buncee from the Poodll widgets popup on the Atto toolbar. 

Paste in the Buncee URL that you just copied and insert the Buncee widget on the page.

Now when you display the page, the Buncee will be embedded and resize nicely. Here is a Buncee in a forum: