The Cloud Poodll Assignment Submission allows students to record audio or video as assignment submissions. It has no dependencies and recordings are stored in the Poodll cloud. The teacher has a choice of audio and video recorders to use. It supports time limits, and falls back to file upload when the device does not support HTML5 recording. It can also generate subtitles and a transcript of the student speaking automatically.

The Admin Settings

Recorder Settings

Poodll API User

The Cloud Poodll requires a Poodll API username and secret.  Your Moodle site needs to be registered.
You can get these from the api tab on your member page at

Poodll API Secret

Time Limit (default)

An optional time limit. Can be changed or removed when creating the assignment

AWS Region

Which AWS region to use to store and process recordings and transcriptions. NB Tokyo, Japan does NOT support machine evaluation.

  • US East

  • Tokyo, Japan

  • Sydney, Australia

  • Dublin, Ireland

  • Ottawa, Canada

Days to keep file

The default number of days to keep the students recording on AWS. Can be changed when creating the assignment


Recorder type(default)The default media type of the recorder, either audio or video. Can be changed when creating the assignment.
Non-html5 fallbackif the browser does not support recording with HTML5 for the selected media type, with warn the user or offer an upload screen.
  • warning
  • iOS upload, else warning
  • upload
Show current submissionWhether or not to show the user's current submission on the "edit submission" page.

Player settings

It is also possible to set the size of the audio/video players as they appear in the submissions list and on the grading or summary pages. Videos, in particular, if too large can make the submissions list page hard to use.

Video Player Sizes

Audio Player Sizes

Transcript Player

A special case is when transcription is enabled for the assignment submission. In this case the student's speaking transcript can be displayed beneath the player in a scroll box . This is only visible on the grading page currently. To enable the transcript player, select it as in the screenshot below. It is enabled by default when the submission has a transcript.

The Instance Settings

The Cloud Poodll instance settings allow the teacher to set :

  • the type of recording(audio or video) 
  • the recorder skin to use
  • the recording time limit (optional)
  • the expiry time of the recording (it will be automatically removed from cloud storage)